Gradual passportisation of trees in pine clone orchards using the methods of phenetics

Kalchenko L., Tarakanov V.

Branch ФГУ "Рослесозащита"-"ЦЗЛ Алтайского края" (Barnaul)


At present, many experts in forest breeding are justifiably focused on the necessity for passportisation of forest-seed orchards (FSO). However, checking out the precision of marking all the trees on FSOs and clone archives for further cloning is not less important at the first stage of these activities. Further breeding is impossible without elimination of genetic pollution in forest sites and their passportisation, thus, has no reason.

   Methods of biochemical and molecular genetics are proposed for genotypic identification. They are precise, but expensive. To reduce the costs and accelerate the trees passportisation process in breeding locations, it is expedient to use gradual identification with several methods. We worked out an approach with the use of phenetic methods at the first, and the methods of biochemical and/or molecular genetics at the final stage of investigation for common pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) clone plantations.

For the period of mastering the method, we carried out the first stage of inoculated trees passportisation over 10 ha of clone pine orchards at the Ozersk forestry unit of the Altai area. At the initial stage, clones location schemes were studied considering all the additions made. Then a ''nature-scheme'' of objects was made up with all trees condition and quality taken into account. Trees with died out grafts and those diseased were excluded from further breeding manipulations. Grafts clonal identification was carried out on corn phens and seed colour and also phens of microstrobiles colour according to the methods (Vidiakin, 2004). Besides the indicated phens, qualitative phenotypic peculiarities were considered (e.g. pyramid-like crown, multi-cornness).

   Finally, marking of 1.3 th. grafts of 100 clones was specified. About 5% of trees cannot be analysed with phenetic methods due to the absence of corns and seeds in them. Among fruit-bearing trees, the percentage of wrongly marked grafts is variable over plantation blocks within 3-17% being equal to 7% on the average. In co-operation with V.L. Semerikov and I.V. Tikhonova, we have begun passportisation of clones under study with the methods of biochemical genetics. Our calculations show that the cost of gradual passportisation is lower than that of the common one (using the methods of biochemical and molecular genetics only).


The authors express their gratitude to A.I. Vidiakin for his kind assistance in mastering the method of seed and corn registration.

The research was carried out under the financial support of SB RAS and RFBR Projects N 53 and N 07-04-01714a, respectively.

Note. Abstracts are published in author's edition